As experts in the field of electrical installation and automation we are present in different industries around the world. We are happy to take on every new challenge with which we further develop expertise and experience of our employees.

Our key competitive advantages are quick response time, flexibility, successful realization of projects, and customer satisfaction.

Why do successful international companies like working with us? Try us and see for yourself.

Industrijska avtomatizacija je postopek avtomatiziranja industrijskih obratov s pomočjo programirljivih logičnih krmilnikov, avtomatiziranih strojev in naprav. Cilj le-te je zmanjšanje obremenitev delavcev v industriji, ob povečanju produktivnosti.

Industrijski roboti so avtomatizirani programirljivi sistemi, ki se lahko premikajo v treh ali več oseh. Robotika postaja vedno bolj pomemben del v različnih industrijskih panogah po svetu. Leta 2020 je na svetu obratovalo že več ko 1,6 milijona industrijskih robotov.


Transportna tehnika je nepogrešljiv del v vseh industrijskih panogah. Zagotavlja hiter, varen in zanesljiv prenos tovora po zastavljeni poti. Modularna zasnova omogoča tako enostavne kot kompleksne aplikativne rešitve.


V našem podjetju izdelujemo lastne elektro omare po zahtevah naročnikov.


Izvajamo inštalacije računalniških omrežij ter izvedbo in postavitev mrežnih omar.


Elektromonterji v našem podjetju imajo dolgoletne izkušnje ter strokovno znanje za izvedbo klasičnih elektroinštalacij in elektro montaž. To vključuje inštalacije za moč, razsvetljavo, računalniške mreže, protipožarne in protivlomne zaščite ter ostalo.

Industrial automation is the process of automating industrial plants with the use of programmable logic controllers, automated machines, and devices. The goal is to reduce the workload of workers in industry, while increasing productivity.


Industrial robots are automated programmable systems capable of moving in three or more axes. Robotics is becoming an increasingly important part in various industries around the world. In 2020, there were more than 1,6 million industrial robots in operation worldwide.


Conveyor systems are a vital part of industries around the world. They provide a fast, safe, and reliable cargo transport along the set route. Their modular design makes it possible to use them for simple or complex transport systems.


In our company, we manufacture our own electrical cabinets according to customers’ requirements.


We install computer networks and communication cabinets.


Our electricians have many years of experience and expertise to carry out electrical installations of different types such as power installations, lighting, computer networks, fire- and burglary protection.